
A collection of functions primarily GUI operations

Sequence coverage

Calculate the coverage of a target protein sequence by peptides in a given list



 calculate_sequence_coverage (target_sequence:str, peptide_list:list)

Calculate the percentage of a target protein covered by a list of peptides. Args: target_sequence (str): the protein sequence against which the peptide_list should be compared. peptide_list (List[str]): the list of peptides (str) to be compared against the target_sequence. return: int: number of residues in target_sequence. int: number of residues in target_sequence covered by peptides in peptide_list. float: percentage of residues in target_sequence covered by peptides in peptide_list. list (dict{str:bool}): list of dicts where keys are residue one-letter codes and values are bool (covered = True, not-covered = False).