Config Files#
The configuration file is a .yml
file which specifies all of the parameters for each of the methods chosen in a specific scPortrait Project run.
name: "Cellpose Segmentation"
input_channels: 3
output_channels: 5
input_channels: 2
output_masks: 2
shard_size: 120000000 # maxmimum number of pixel per tile
overlap_px: 100
nGPUs: 1
chunk_size: 50 # chunk size for chunked HDF5 storage. is needed for correct caching and high performance reading. should be left at 50.
threads: 1 # number of shards / tiles segmented at the same size. should be adapted to the maximum amount allowed by memory.
cache: "."
lower_quantile_normalization: 0.001
upper_quantile_normalization: 0.999
median_filter_size: 6 # Size in pixels
model: "nuclei"
model: "cyto2"
chunk_size: 50
filtering_threshold: 0.95
compression: True
threads: 80 # threads used in multithreading
image_size: 400 # image size in pixel
normalization_range: None #turn of percentile normalization for cells -> otherwise normalise out differences for the alexa647 channel
cache: "."
hdf5_rdcc_nbytes: 5242880000 # 5gb 1024 * 1024 * 5000
hdf5_rdcc_w0: 1
hdf5_rdcc_nslots: 50000
channel_classification: 4
batch_size: 900
dataloader_worker: 0 #needs to be 0 if using cpu
inference_device: "cpu"
screen_label: "Ch3_Featurization"
processes: 20
segmentation_channel: 0
shape_dilation: 16
smoothing_filter_size: 25
poly_compression_factor: 30
path_optimization: "hilbert"
greedy_k: 15
hilbert_p: 7