Automatically parse image files from Opera Phenix imaging experiments#
import os
from import PhenixParser
input_dir = "path/to/phenix/experiment" # do not need to go to the image directory, the main directory is sufficient
print("Beginning Parsing")
parser = PhenixParser(input_dir)
print("Parsing completed.")
Beginning Parsing
Experiment contains the following image channels:
id label
0 1 Alexa647
1 2 mCherry
2 3 HOECHST33342
3 4 Brightfield
Channel Lookup table saved to file at /fs/pool/pool-mann-projects/Thierry_N/ForPeople/SophiaMaedler/A375wm40_cc14_ctrl1_tmt1o3_20240525/channel_lookuptable.csv
Starting copy process...
Copying files: 100%|██████████| 35392/35392 [00:03<00:00, 9012.68it/s]
Copy process completed.
Checking for missing images...
No missing tiles found.
Metadata used to parse images saved to file /fs/pool/pool-mann-projects/Thierry_N/ForPeople/SophiaMaedler/A375wm40_cc14_ctrl1_tmt1o3_20240525/metadata_image_parsing.csv
Parsing completed.